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B-Lean IV Infusion

Designed to help burn fat and boost metabolism, the B-Lean IV kit includes premium-quality compounds, harnessing the benefits of B vitamins to raise energy levels, improve digestive function and support a healthy metabolism.

Possible benefits including helping convert fat into energy, enhancing athletic performance, improving overall mood and boosting metabolism.

  • B Complex

  • L-Taurine

  • Methyl B12

| 60 min |

Intravenous Nutritional and Hydration Therapy

Delivering vital micronutrients intravenously with 100% bioavailability

Nutritional therapy can benefit everyone, from seniors and pregnant women to performance athletes and celebrities

The highly flexible nature of IV therapy allows us to give our patients the exact treatments they need. We can customize your treatment based on your conditions, the nutrients you need, and your overall health and wellness goals


Immune Boost Infusion

Designed to help you feel better faster by improving immunity and promoting optimal wellness. Possible benefits include protection from infection, improved healing time, fortification of your immune system and reduction in the duration of illness

Rehydration Plus...

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

  • B1, B3

  • B2, B5, B6

  • Zinc Chloride

| 60 mins |


Brain Boost Infustion

Formulated with taurine to support neuronal growth, this infusion aims to help improve overall brain function, increase memory recall and improve certain aspects of learning.

Rehydration Plus…

  • Folic Acid

  • Taurine

  • B12

  • Alpha-Lipoic-Acid

| 50 mins |


Energy Boost Infusion

Formulated to help kick-start your metabolism and feel more energized, this IV infusion includes a treatment of premium-quality compounds believed to help burn fat, boost metabolism and provide the nutrients needed for optimal wellness.

  • Rehydration plus…

  • B1, B3

  • B2, B5, B6

  • Glutamine

  • Arginine

  • Lysine

  • Ornithine

  • Citrulline

  • Carnitine

    | 60 mins |

Athlete Infusion

Designed to aid recovery time as well as potentially improve athletic ability, this infusion includes a treatment of premium-quality compounds that can help decrease systemic inflammation as well as promote improved performance, and overall wellness.

Rehydration Plus...

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) (500mg/ml)

  • B1, B3 (100mg/ml)

  • B2, B5, B6 (2mg/ml)

  • Glutamine

  • Arginine

  • Ornithine

  • Lysine

  • Citrulline

  • MagnesiumCL

  • Carnitine

  • Zinc

  • Manganese

  • Copper

  • Selenium

| 60 mins |

Skin Glow Infusion

Rehydrate your skin from the inside out and bring vital nutrients straight to your body’s largest organ- your skin! Biotin also plays a key role in hair growth!

Rehydration Plus...

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) (500mg/ml)

  • B1, B3 (100mg/ml)

  • B2, B5, B6 (2mg/ml)

  • Biotin

| 60 mins |


Myers’ Cocktail Infusion

Formulated by Dr. John Myers in the 1970s for his patients, this original IV nutritional infusion is comprised of a premixed hydration bundle of multivitamins and other nutrients. Possible benefits include alleviating chronic pain and stress, as well as improving overall wellness.

  • Magnesium Chloride

  • B1, B3

  • B2

  • B6

  • Hydroxycobalamin B12

  • Calcium Gluconate

  • Ascorbic Acid

| 50 mins |

Antioxidant Infusion

Glutathione is the premier antioxidant defense system in the body. Naturally produced in our bodies, it is vital for energy production, metabolism and overall cellular function. Possible benefits include, restoring energy, burning fat, optimizing metabolism and overall improving wellness and performance. Available as an add-on to all other infusions.


Nausea Treatment Infusion

Ideal for those suffering from morning sickness or hangovers, this treatment combats dehydration, headache, fatigue and nausea.

  • +/-Ondansetron

  • B1, B3

  • B2, B5, B6

  • Magnesium

  • Zinc

  • Selenium

  • Copper

  • Manganese

    | 40 mins |

Vitamin Injections


A Lipo B12 injection (also known as MICC) is a special lipotropics fat burning combination of methionine, inositol, choline, and B12. Each of these ingredients help the body turn fat into energy and are also powerful antioxidants. MICC injections are often used in weight loss regimens as well as to promote healthy cell function and increased energy.

Tri-Immune Boost

Tri-Immune Boost is a power-packed immunity blend containing Glutathione, Ascorbic Acid, and Zinc. This high concentration blend is the ultimate immune system enhancer to help maintain a healthy immune response.

Vitamin B12

B12 injections help combat fatigue, difficulty thinking, weight loss, mood changes and other symptoms of deficiency. It can be extremely beneficial to people with conditions that may affect B12 absorption including those who have had gastrointestinal surgery, Crohn’s disease and Celiac disease. It is also a helpful support for those with an MTHFR mutation gene.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D injections help boost the immune system, elevate your mood, improve cognitive function, aid in weight loss, and support strong bones and healthy hearts.

MAX Immune Boost Protocol

The Immune MAX IV Package includes the following vitamins and nutrients to boost your immune system and also help with post-infection inflammation from post-Covid Syndrome. A Series of 3 infusions completed every 3-7 days bolsters your immune system.

200mg Vitamin B complex (double what is in our standard Immune Boost Infusion): B vitamins help build a healthy immune system and increase the body’s production of white blood cells, decrease nausea and boost energy.  A study shows that B vitamins can potentially reduce COVID-19’s severity and help you recover from the disease.

Vitamin B12: B12 also increases white blood cell count and energy levels. Some studies show that B12 may slow down viral replication within the body.

1 gram Vitamin C (double what is in our standard immune boost IV): Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps boost your immune system while also reducing inflammation. A study on vitamin C and the common cold found that regular vitamin C supplementation reduced the cold’s duration.

200mg Glutathione: Glutathione is vital in reducing inflammation caused by COVID that can sometimes lead to organ failure. A study found that raising glutathione levels can reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

10mg Zinc: Zinc helps alleviate symptoms because it boosts immune function and decreases viral replication.